1501 Arcola Ave., Silver Spring, MD, 20902
Come and Join Us For Worship & Fellowship!
We meet for in-person worship every Sunday morning at 10:00. We warmly welcome you to join us in person for worship. We can also send you a link for our virtual service at your request - contact the church administrator for more information.
Sunday Preview: Our Lenten series continues as we look at ways God grows our hearts in service. We look forward to the time when we can sing in full sincerity “Take my heart, it is thine own. It shall be thy royal throne.”
“Royal Throne” Lorelai Reiffer
We are a group of people of all ages and varied backgrounds that God graciously invites to worship the Lord. We believe that God lovingly equips us to love and serve the Lord, our neighbors and God's whole creation. We seek to gratefully respond to God's amazing grace by following Jesus into our homes, neighborhoods, communities and the whole world.
Every Sunday
Worship Services at 10 a.m. (in person!)
We offer a zoom/virtual connection option as well, contact office@sscrc.org for more details.
Community Ministries
Arcola Towers Bible Study—Bible study for residents at the Arcola Towers Apartment Building, meets Monday morning. For information or questions contact coffeebreak@sscrc.org.
Food Pantry—We have a monthly community food pantry on the second Tuesday of each month from 3—5pm. For more information see the Food Pantry page of our website.
Youth Ministries:
Nursery—available during the service for infants and toddlers.
Children in Worship—part way through the service our youngest members (ages 3-approx 2nd grade) are dismissed for a special time of worship designed for them.
Sunday School—begins after the morning service, around 11:15
Youth Group for Middle School and High School meets periodically.
Adult Ministries:
Interested in Learning About our Church? Contact pastor@sscrc.org.
Men’s Bible Study—in between study materials. Meets on the third Wednesday evening of the month at 7pm. Questions? contact Russ VanDyke (russvd1027@gmail.com)
Women’s Bible Study—A community Bible study for women, called Coffee Break, meets weekly in small groups throughout the school year, on Mondays (7-9:30 PM) and Wednesdays (9:45-11:30 AM). Both groups are working on a study on the Old Testament book of Joshua. The study guides for Coffee Break are appropriate for all levels of Biblical knowledge and faith experience. The Wednesday morning gathering offers participants a (free) nursery for infants and a Story Hour for children (ages 2-5). For more information visit our webpage Women's Coffee Break Bible Study and/or email us at coffeebreak@sscrc.org.
Missions We Support
Silver Spring Church is spreading the good news by sharing the Gospel not only in our community but also abroad. Click the button below to learn more about our mission efforts.
Sunday Worship
We seek to grow in the likeness of Christ each Sunday through corporate worship as we praise the risen Christ. Click the button below to learn more about our worship services.
Our ministries are focused on growing the body of believers in His image. Click the button below to learn about our ministries by which we seek to grow in God's image.
“Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”