Resources on the Web
We are part of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Learn more about our denomination:
What we believe
Denominational history
Other denominational resources
The Banner: denominational magazine
Doctrinal Standards of the Christian Reformed Church
The Heidelberg Catechism
Belgic Confession
The Canons of Dordt
Contemporary Testimony: Our World Belongs to God (The Synod of 1986 approved Our World Belongs to God as "a testimony of faith for our times, subordinate to our creeds and confessions.")
Belhar Confession
Theological and Worship Resources
Calvin Seminary
Reports from Synod: reports on the annual denominational meeting, please committee-reports on issues such as Pentecostalism, war and peace, Christian schooling, homosexuality, etc.
Faith Alive resources library - free resources for CRC members
Bible Gateway offers a number of on-line Bible versions which can be searched by keywords or specific passages. Also included are texts in German, Swedish, Latin, French and Spanish.
Reformed Worship
Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought
Christian Classics Ethereal Library is a link to numerous e-texts of public domain material which you can download to your computer.
Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics (Christian books and literature)
Guide to early church documents (Internet Christian Library)
World Communion of Reformed Churches
- Other Reformed Confessions
Applying God's Word to All of Life
American Scientific Affiliation (organization for Christian scientists)
Center for Public Justice (government, politics)
Evangelical Environmental Network
Christian Legal Society
Back to God Hour (now called Reframe Media)
Christian Reformed World Missions
World Renew
Alliance Of Confessing Evangelicals