Coffee Break/Story Hour
Wednesdays at 9:45 am
Click HERE for the greeting schedule
Food Pantry Ministry
The Silver Spring Christian Reformed Church operates a food pantry on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 3-5 pm at 1501 Arcola Ave.
Food pantry participants are provided a pre-packed assortment of shelf stable food as well as a box or bag of produce.
Any household in need of food is eligible. During intake you will be asked to provide your zipcode and the number of people in your household.
Additional resources:
Food pantry flyer: English | Spanish
2015 annual report | 2017 Mid-year report
Feb 2016 newsletter | June 2017 newsletter
For more information contact:
Jennifer Renkema, MSW
Food Pantry Coordinator
Phone: 1.301.284.8401
Sunday School
Sundays at 11:30 a.m. (September - May) Classes for people up through 12th grade.
Children in Worship
(Sept-May). Sundays during the morning service. Children ages 3-6 years.
Shepherd's Table
Serve meals third Monday of every month. This program in downtown Silver Spring provides meals for those in need.
After morning service second Sunday of every month.
Small Group Bible Study
Several groups meet on a regular basis
Friends in Action
Through this program we help a specific family in need for a period of time.
High School Youth Group.
Meeting times vary. Call the church for more information